Transaction Data Validation
Transactional data and configuration will be validated during transaction processing. You can receive different severity levels when the response comes. Below is a non-exhaustive list of message or note responses for severities. This is meant to augment the severity information.
Level 1
Consumer name cannot be more than {0} characters.
Address1 cannot be more than {0} characters.
Address2 cannot be more than {0} characters.
City cannot be more than {0} characters.
State must be 2 characters.
Country cannot be more than {0} characters.
Email address cannot be more than {0} characters.
Birthday is invalid.
Birthday must occur in the past.
Driver's License Number cannot be more than {0} characters.
Driver's License State must be 2 characters.
OriginateDate is invalid.
Maximum Data Lengths
Name = 50
Address = 50
City = 50
Zip = 9
Country = 64
Phone = 10
Email = 50
DLN = 32
CustRefId = 80
Level 2
Check number is required.
Consumer name is required.
Consumer name (first and last) is required.
Address1, City, State, and ZIP are required.
Country is required.
Phone number is required.
Email address is required.
Birthday is required.
Social Security Number is required.
Driver's License Number and State are required.
Notes are required.
Fields are required: {0}.
Level 3 - Consumer Verification Negative
Level Merchant Fault
TransactionID (a positive integer) is required.
ReferenceNumber is required.
TransactionID (a positive integer) or ReferenceNumber is required.
Amount should be a non-negative decimal.
Bank routing number and account number are required.
Card number and expiration are required.
ReferenceNumber cannot be more than {0} characters.
Amount ({1:F2}) should not be more than {0} characters.
Invalid Email Address: {0}
Notes cannot be more than {0} characters.
Only Debit transactions may be refunded.
Status is '{0}', but only 'Funded' or 'Refunded' transactions may be refunded.
Status is '{0}', but only 'NSF' or 'Invalid' or 'B.O.Exception' transactions may be resubmitted.
Only ACH (not credit card) transactions may be cancelled.
Test/Live mismatch.
Transaction must be inserted before it can be cancelled.
Invalid TransactionID.
Status is '{0}', but only '{1}' transactions may be cancelled.
This transaction may not be cancelled since daily processing has already begun.