
We utilize thresholds to assess whether a transaction has surpassed the allowable amount established for a merchant. If a transaction exceeds the designated threshold, it will be declined. Please take note of the different types of thresholds that are relevant for your awareness.

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Back Office Exceptions

Types of Thresholds

  • Single Amount

  • Daily Amount

  • Daily Count

  • Monthly Amount

  • Monthly Count

The table below will help determine when a Threshold is triggered in the process

Notes should not be parsed directly, you should rely on the Status/Message. We may change the notes without notice.


Transaction Type


Note Example


Single Transaction Amount

Debit / Credit

Real Time Transaction Processing

Threshold exceeded: Single Transaction Amount Max

The transaction amount maximum refers to the maximum allowable amount for a single transaction. This limit is triggered when the transaction exceeds the established threshold.

Daily Amount

Debit / Credit

Real Time Transaction Processing

Back Office Validation

Threshold exceeded: Dollars Daily Max

The maximum daily amount will be triggered if the total of the current transaction and all transactions submitted for the day exceeds the established threshold.

Daily Count

Debit / Credit

Real Time Transaction Processing

Back Office Validation

Threshold exceeded: Transactions Daily Max

The maximum daily count will be triggered if the total number of the current transaction and all transactions submitted for the day exceeds the established threshold.

Monthly Amount

Debit / Credit

Back Office Validation

The maximum monthly amount will be triggered if the total of the current transaction and all transactions submitted for the month exceeds the established threshold.

Monthly Count

Debit / Credit

Back Office Validation

The maximum monthly count will be triggered if the total of the current transaction and all transactions submitted for the month exceeds the established threshold.