Merchant List
This report outlines the information pertaining to a merchant, including the thresholds and the current status of the merchant and its associated child merchants.
Report Parameters
ReportPermDesc: MerchantList
Name | Type | Max. Length | Required | Description |
MID | string | 10 | Yes | Company Number |
Response Details
Name | Type | Description |
MID | string | Merchant Number |
Name | string | |
DBA Name | string | |
MaxSingleEntryAmount | decimal | Max threshold amount for single entry |
MaxDailyAmount | decimal | Max threshold amount for daily transactions |
MaxDailyTransactions | int | Max threshold count for daily transactions |
MaxMonthlyAmount | decimal | Max threshold amount for monthly transactions |
MaxMonthlyTransactions | int | Max threshold count for monthly transactions |
TranFee | decimal | Transaction Fee |
DiscFee | decimal | Discount Fee |
AuthFee | decimal | Auth Fee |
ChargebackFee | decimal | Chargeback Fee |
MonthlyMaintenanceFee | decimal | Monthly Maintenance Fee |
ReturnFee | decimal | Return Fee |
SettlementFee | decimal | Settlement Fee |
Last Settlemented | datetime | Last Settle Date for the merchant |
ReportingEmail | string | Reporting Email for the merchant |
TerminationDate | datetime | Termination Date of Merchant. Null if nothing is set. |
OriginationSuspendedStatus | string | The status of Origination for the Merchant Possible values:
SettlementSuspendedStatus | string | The status of settlements. Possible Values:
Example Request
SDK Example
string token = Token.GetToken("{MerchantNumber}", "{MerchantPassword}"); //Set parameters for report D.ReportDefinition.Parameter[] reportParams = new D.ReportDefinition.Parameter[] { new D.ReportDefinition.Parameter { PermDesc = "MID", ParamValue = "{MerchantNumber}" } }; //Run report Response resp = GetReport.RunReport(token, "MerchantList", reportParams, D.ReportDefinition.OutputType.HTML); Console.WriteLine(resp.I.SData);
Example Response
{ "Method": "Report", "Version": "", "Severity": "0", "Success": "True", "Message": "Success", "ReportData": { "Table0": [ { "MID": "{MerchantId}", "Name": "Fake Name", "DBA": "Fake Name", "MaxSingleEntryAmount": 15915.0000, "MaxDailyAmount": 15915.0000, "MaxDailyTransactions": 15915, "MaxMonthlyAmount": 15915.0000, "MaxMonthlyTransactions": 15915, "TranFee": 3.2000, "DiscFee": 0.0, "AuthFee": 1.0000, "ChargebackFee": 0.0000, "MonthlyMaintenanceFee": 1.0000, "ReturnFee": 0.0000, "SettlementFee": 1.0000, "LastSettlement": "2024-06-11T05:58:00", "ReportingEmail": "", "TerminationDate": null, "OriginationSuspendedStatus": "Active", "SettlementSuspendedStatus": "Active" } ] } }