Report Definition List
This endpoint can be used for fetching a list of reports.
Url | Type |
/EpnPublic/ActiveReports/Manage.aspx | Xml |
Query Parameters
Name | Required | Values |
Token | Yes | Provided from call to Security |
Action | Yes | ReportList |
OutputType | No | JSON or XML. This defaults to XML if not provided |
Output Properties
Parameters | Values |
Method | ReportList |
Version | The version of the API |
Severity | 0 is success, all other values are indicating the severity of the failure |
Success | Boolean True or False on the success of the function |
Message | “Success” or a message indicating the error message |
ReportList | The holder for ReportDefinitions. Each ReportDefinition will be contained as a list in ReportList |
ReportDefinition | This is the holder object for all the parameters and settings of a report. |
ReportDefinition.PublicNote | A human readable description of the report. |
ReportDefinition.Name | The name of the report. This is a human readable name. |
ReportDefinition.PermDesc | This is the permanent description of the report. A non-changing unique |
ReportDefinition.Parameters | The holder object for the parameters of a report. |
ReportParameter | The holder of individual parameter information for a report. |
ReportParameter.Name | A human friendly name of the parameter. This is displayable to the user |
ReportParameter.PermDesc | The system defined name for a parameter. These are unique and used in the API |
ReportParameter.DataType | The type of data we are expecting. Integer, string, DateTime, CoNo |
ReportParameter.DataLen | The maximum length of the data |
ReportParameter.Required | If the parameter is required. This can be several values: |
ReportParameter.PublicNote | A description of the parameter that can be displayed to an end user |
Sample Requests
{ "Method":"ReportList", "Version":"", "Severity":"0", "Success":"True", "Message":"Success", "ReportList":"[{\"Name\":\"Reseller Information\",\"PermDesc\":\"ResellerInformation\",\"HelpLink\":null,\"PublicNote\":\"Returns the basic reseller information, if this merchant is a reseller. RCode, Company Name, Company Number\",\"ReportParameter\":[{\"Name\":\"Company\",\"PermDesc\":\"Company\",\"DataType\":\"CoNo\",\"PublicNote\":\"Merchant Number\",\"DataLen\":10,\"Required\":\"false\"}],\"XSLT}]" }
<Response Method="ReportList" Version="" Severity="0" Success="True"> <Message>Success</Message> <ReportList> <ReportDefinition Name="Reseller Information" PermDesc="ResellerInformation"> <PublicNote>Returns the basic reseller information, if this merchant is a reseller. RCode, Company Name, Company Number</PublicNote> <Parameters> <ReportParameter Name="Company" PermDesc="Company" DataType="CoNo" DataLen="10" Required="false"> <PublicNote>Merchant Number</PublicNote> </ReportParameter> </Parameters> </ReportDefinition> <ReportDefinition Name="Reseller Quarterly Business Report" PermDesc="ResellerQuarterlyBusinessReport"> <PublicNote>The QBR report summarizes a reseller s activity over a period of time. Giving statistics of the overall portfolio.</PublicNote> <Parameters> <ReportParameter Name="ResellerCode" PermDesc="ResellerCode" DataType="Reseller" DataLen="11" Required="true"> <PublicNote>Reseller Code, for instance, R1234</PublicNote> </ReportParameter> <ReportParameter Name="StartDate" PermDesc="start_dt" DataType="DateTime" DataLen="10" Required="true"> <PublicNote>Start Date in DateTime, for instance, 2017-01-01</PublicNote> </ReportParameter> <ReportParameter Name="EndDate" PermDesc="end_dt" DataType="DateTime" DataLen="10" Required="true"> <PublicNote>End date in DateTime, for instance, 2017-01-01</PublicNote> </ReportParameter> <ReportParameter Name="Format" PermDesc="Format" DataType="String" DataLen="0" Required="no"> <PublicNote>Report Format Type, for instance, Excel</PublicNote> </ReportParameter> </Parameters> </ReportDefinition> </ReportList> </Response>
Response Headers
Message:Success Method:ReportList Severity:0 Success:True Version: