Example Payloads
What do we send to the Webhook?
Check Commerce sends a number of items to the webhook both in the body and in the query string.
The Query String
We send over general information in the query string about the push notification.
Query Parameter | Description |
Action | This is the action performed on the item sent. (New, Update, Cancel) |
SourceType | This is the type of notification (Transaction, HostedPayment, RiskAssesment, ConsumerInfo) |
SourceId | This is the source of the push notification. |
ClientId | In some cases this is the Id that the merchant provided in other cases this is the SourceId. |
MID | The MID that this is for. |
Hash | This is the hashed payload using the shared salt. This is encoded using base64. See below for more details. |
Example Query string
Without Hash
With Hash
The Hash
We calculate the Hash using Bouncy Castle SHA3-512. The exact implementation can be found below. The hash is not sent if a Hash Salt is not configured for the merchant.
public bool? IsValidPayload(string payload, string hash) { if (hash == null) { return null; } byte[] calculatedHash = HashSHA3_BC_512(payload, Convert.FromBase64String(_hashSalt)); return (Convert.ToBase64String(calculatedHash) == hash); } private byte[] HashSHA3_BC_512(string payload, byte[] salt) { byte[] input = null; if (salt != null) { byte[] bytePayload = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(payload); input = new byte[salt.Length + bytePayload.Length]; salt.CopyTo(input, 0); bytePayload.CopyTo(input, salt.Length); } else { input = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(payload); } Org.BouncyCastle.Crypto.Digests.Sha3Digest hashAlgorithm = new Org.BouncyCastle.Crypto.Digests.Sha3Digest(512); hashAlgorithm.BlockUpdate(input, 0, input.Length); byte[] hash = new byte[64]; // 512 / 8 = 64 hashAlgorithm.DoFinal(hash, 0); return hash; }
Payload Examples
Transaction Source
Name | Type | Notes |
TransactionID | String | Value of the TransactionLog.ID column. |
Name | String | Consumer’s Name from Consumer Information |
CustomerOrderReferenceId | String | Value of the TransactionLog.TheirReferenceNumber column. |
Amount | Nullable Decimal | Transaction Amount |
Status | Nullable Integer | Value of the TransactionLog.Status column. |
StatusDescription | String | Friendly name representing the Status |
ReferenceNo | String | Value of the TransactionLog.TheirReferenceNumber column. |
ApprovalCode | String | Value of the TransactionLog.ApprovalCode column. |
DateProcessed | Nullable DateTime | |
EffectiveEntryDate | Nullable DateTime | Value of the TransactionLog.EffectiveEntryDate column. |
BankRoutingNo | String | Value of the TransactionLog.BankRoutingNumber column. |
BankAccountNoMasked | String | Value of the TransactionLog.BankAccountingNumber column masked. |
PhoneNumber | String | Consumer’s Phone Number |
IndividualId | String | |
TranCode | String | Value of the TransactionLog.TranCode column. |
TranType | String | Value of the TransactionLog.TranType column. |
ReturnDate | Nullable DateTime | Value of the TransactionLog.ReturnDate column. |
ReturnReasonCode | String | Value of the TransactionLog.ReturnReasonCode column. |
ReturnReasonDescription | String | |
Resubmitted | String | Value of the TransactionLog.Resubmitted column. |
ResubmittedReferenceNumber | String | Value of the TransactionLog.ResubmittedReferenceNumber column. |
DateSettled | Nullable DateTime | Value of the TransactionLog.DateSettled column. |
CheckNumber | String | Value of the TransactionLog.CheckNumber column. |
AmountDisbursed | Nullable Decimal | Value of the TransactionLog.AmountDisbursed column. |
Note | String | Value of the TransactionLog.Note column. |
ExtendedSeverities | Array | Calculated based on the value of the Note field. |
Address1 | String | Consumer’s Address Line 1 |
Address2 | String | Consumer’s Address Line 2 |
City | String | Consumer’s City |
State | String | Consumer’s State |
Zip | String | Consumer’s Zip Code |
CustomerEMail | String | Consumer’s Email Address |
NOCDisbursed | String | |
NOCInfoData | String | |
NOCDate | Nullable DateTime | Value of the TransactionLog.NocDate column. |
NOCDescription | String | Value of the TransactionLog.NocDetails column. |
IsLive | String | Value of the TransactionLog.IsLive column. |
datelastupdated | Nullable DateTime | |
Verification | String | Value of the TransactionLog.Verification column. |
OriginateDate | Nullable DateTime | Value of the TransactionLog.OriginateDate column. |
Refunds | Bye | Value of the TransactionLog.Refunds column. |
RefundedID | String | Value of the TransactionLog.RefundedID column or Null if value is 0 |
SECCode | String | Gets the value of the TransactionLog.SECCode column. |
Descriptor | String | Gets the value of the TransactionLog.Descriptor column |
warehouseID | String | |
BatchUploadID | String | |
AuthID | String | ID of an Authlog transaction used for Check Guarantee Authorization. |
MerchantNumber | String | Value of the TransactionLog.MerchantNumber column. |
CustRefId | String | |
TheirReferenceNumber | String | Value of the TransactionLog.TheirReferenceNumber column. |
ConsumerId | Nullable Guid | Consumer Information Identifier |
Payload Sample
{ "TransactionID": "123456789", "Name": "John Doe", "CustomerOrderReferenceId": "0", "Amount": 1.0, "Status": 0, "StatusDescription": "Processed", "ReferenceNo": "0", "ApprovalCode": null, "DateProcessed": "2021-12-15T14:16:42.607", "EffectiveEntryDate": null, "BankRoutingNo": "123456780", "BankAccountNoMasked": "xxxxxx1111", "PhoneNumber": null, "IndividualId": null, "TranCode": "27", "TranType": "n", "ReturnDate": null, "ReturnReasonCode": null, "ReturnReasonDescription": null, "Resubmitted": "0", "ResubmittedReferenceNumber": null, "DateSettled": null, "CheckNumber": null, "AmountDisbursed": null, "Note": "Score: 100/100|", "ExtendedSeverities": [], "Address1": "123 S. Fake Street", "Address2": null, "City": "Phoenix", "State": "AZ", "Zip": "85048", "CustomerEMail": null, "NOCDisbursed": null, "NOCInfoData": null, "NOCDate": null, "NOCDescription": null, "IsLive": "False", "datelastupdated": "2021-12-15T14:16:42.61", "Verification": "", "OriginateDate": null, "Refunds": 0, "RefundedID": "0", "SECCode": null, "Descriptor": null, "warehouseID": null, "BatchUploadID": null, "AuthID": null, "MerchantNumber": "999997", "CustRefId": null, "TheirReferenceNumber": "0", "ConsumerId": null }
Consumer Info Source
Name | Type | Notes |
Id | Guid | Consumer Information Identifier |
CoNo | String | Value of the MerchantNumber |
Name | String | Consumer’s Name |
Address1 | String | Consumer’s Address Line 1 |
Address2 | String | Consumer’s Address Line 2 |
City | String | Consumer’s City |
State | String | Consumer’s State |
Zip | String | Consumer’s Zip Code |
DailyCountMax | Integer | Comes from the AttrValConsumerInfo table. |
DailyAmountMax | Decimal | Comes from the AttrValConsumerInfo table. |
MonthlyCountMax | Integer | Comes from the AttrValConsumerInfo table. |
MonthlyAmountMax | Decimal | Comes from the AttrValConsumerInfo table. |
HighTicketAmount | Decimal | Comes from the AttrValConsumerInfo table. |
DailyCountCreditMax | Integer | Comes from the AttrValConsumerInfo table. |
DailyAmountCreditMax | Decimal | Comes from the AttrValConsumerInfo table. |
MonthlyCountCreditMax | Integer | Comes from the AttrValConsumerInfo table. |
MonthlyAmountCreditMax | Decimal | Comes from the AttrValConsumerInfo table. |
HighTicketCreditAmount | Decimal | Comes from the AttrValConsumerInfo table. |
AccountName | String | Account’s Name |
Mask | String | Account’s Masked Number |
AvailableBalance | Nullable Decimal | Account's Available Balance |
CurrentBalance | Nullable Decimal | Account’s Current Balance |
BalanceLastUpdated | Nullable DateTime | Account’s last time the Balance was updated |
Payload Sample
{ "Id": "0692710e-6381-4411-8942-8fc646b2a382", "CoNo": "999997", "Name": "John Doe", "Address1": "123 S. Fake Street", "Address2": null, "City": "Phoenix", "State": "AZ", "Zip": "85044", "DailyCountMax": 0, "DailyAmountMax": 0.0, "MonthlyCountMax": 0, "MonthlyAmountMax": 0.0, "HighTicketAmount": 0.0, "DailyCountCreditMax": 0, "DailyAmountCreditMax": 0.0, "MonthlyCountCreditMax": 0, "MonthlyAmountCreditMax": 0.0, "HighTicketCreditAmount": 0.0, "AccountName": "Unknown:Checking", "Mask": "xxxxx7127", "AvailableBalance": null, "CurrentBalance": null, "BalanceLastUpdated": null }
Risk Assessment Source
Name | Type | Notes |
MerchantNumber | Nullable Long | Same as MID, this is the merchant identifier |
LinkedPaymentMethodId | Guid | |
Id | Guid | |
ConsumerRefId | String | |
ConsumerDetails | Array (Customer Info) | See the Customer Info Source Parameters above. |
Payload Sample
{ "MerchantNumber": 999997, "LinkedPaymentMethodId": "dd8sr3d2-536a-ec11-9882-4c348806a4ba", "Id": "bbedfdca-2fc3-4fce-844c-bc077bbd6e33", "ConsumerRefId": "440-11sdf5", "ConsumerDetails": [ { "Id": "bbe32dca-2fc3-4fce-844c-bc077bbd6e33", "CoNo": "999997", "Name": null, "Address1": null, "Address2": null, "City": null, "State": null, "Zip": null, "DailyCountMax": 15, "DailyAmountMax": 500.0, "MonthlyCountMax": 25, "MonthlyAmountMax": 1000.0, "HighTicketAmount": 500.0, "DailyCountCreditMax": 15, "DailyAmountCreditMax": 500.0, "MonthlyCountCreditMax": 25, "MonthlyAmountCreditMax": 1000.0, "HighTicketCreditAmount": 500.0, "AccountName": "Unknown: Checking", "Mask": "1234", "AvailableBalance": null, "CurrentBalance": null, "BalanceLastUpdated": null } ] }
Hosted Payment Source
Name | Type | Notes |
MID | Nullable Long | Merchant Identifier |
ConsumerDetail | Array (Customer Info) | See the Customer Info Source Parameters above. |
Transaction | Object | See Transaction Source Parameters above. |
Payload Sample
{ "MID": 999997, "ConsumerDetail": [ { "Id": "bbe3feca-2fc3-4fce-844c-bc077bbd6e33", "CoNo": "999997", "Name": "John Doe", "Address1": "123 S. Fake Street", "Address2": null, "City": "Phoenix", "State": "AZ", "Zip": "85225", "DailyCountMax": 0, "DailyAmountMax": 0.0, "MonthlyCountMax": 0, "MonthlyAmountMax": 0.0, "HighTicketAmount": 0.0, "DailyCountCreditMax": 0, "DailyAmountCreditMax": 0.0, "MonthlyCountCreditMax": 0, "MonthlyAmountCreditMax": 0.0, "HighTicketCreditAmount": 0.0, "AccountName": "Unknown: Checking", "Mask": "1234", "AvailableBalance": null, "CurrentBalance": null, "BalanceLastUpdated": null } ], "Transaction": { "TransactionID": "0", "Name": "John Doe", "CustomerOrderReferenceId": "440-11dfgs5", "Amount": 2000.0, "Status": 7, "StatusDescription": "Declined", "ReferenceNo": null, "ApprovalCode": null, "DateProcessed": null, "EffectiveEntryDate": null, "BankRoutingNo": null, "BankAccountNoMasked": null, "PhoneNumber": null, "IndividualId": null, "TranCode": null, "TranType": null, "ReturnDate": null, "ReturnReasonCode": null, "ReturnReasonDescription": null, "Resubmitted": null, "ResubmittedReferenceNumber": null, "DateSettled": null, "CheckNumber": null, "AmountDisbursed": null, "Note": "", "ExtendedSeverities": null, "Address1": null, "Address2": null, "City": null, "State": null, "Zip": null, "CustomerEMail": null, "NOCDisbursed": null, "NOCInfoData": null, "NOCDate": null, "NOCDescription": null, "IsLive": null, "datelastupdated": null, "Verification": null, "OriginateDate": null, "Refunds": 0, "RefundedID": null, "SECCode": null, "Descriptor": null, "warehouseID": null, "BatchUploadID": null, "AuthID": null, "MerchantNumber": null, "CustRefId": null, "TheirReferenceNumber": "440-11dfgs5", "ConsumerId": "bbe3feca-2fc3-4fce-844c-bc077bbd6e33" } }