
During the processing of a normal Debit, Credit, or Prenote transaction the verification step will run any method of verifying a transaction that are turned on for the account. An Authorize call also runs these steps, but does not move money.

We currently support several Verification Methods:

  1. Previous Payments Database

    1. The Previous Payments Database is an internal database of transactions that we’ve seen history on previously.

    2. We record positive and negative funding or returns information for later lookup

  2. Previous Payments Plus Pattern Matching

    1. Using our internal data we are able to match new transaction data previously unseen to patterns of transactions that we have seen before.

    2. Once we match incoming data to patterns of transactions we can also match that to outcomes.

    3. This is a predictive model.

    4. This does reduce returns by 30%

    5. We use the Routing Number to get patterns of matching and non-matching results. An example would be that Routing Number 123456780 often starts with a 4 or 2 and is always 7 or 8 digits long. We recognize this pattern because it has positive funding events tied to it. Alternatively, we will see negative patterns as well.

  3. Previous Payments Plus Machine Learning

    1. Using internal data we create categorization models. And example would be NSFs over the last 24 months, or Funded transactions over the last 24 months.

    2. These models are created using our data and machine learning. We apply new data to the model to see if it’s able to categorize the transactional data into this model. If it is, we score the transaction to the model. This happens in realtime.

    3. We collect over 100 points of information on a transaction to add to our data model. This includes, routing and account data, returns and funding data, chargeback data and some high level identity information.

  4. Giact Account Checking

    1. Giact is a 3rd Party verification partner that can verify some identity information and banking information.

  5. MicroBilt Account Checking

    1. MicroBilt is a 3rd Party verification partner that can verify some identity information and banking information.

  6. Lexis Nexis Identity Checking

    1. Lexis Nexis is a 3rd Party verification partner that specializes in identity/consumer information.

These can be added to your account to run automatically with the transaction or authorization. You do not need to change your integration to support these, they happen during the processing of the transaction in realtime.

Every verification method will produce a scored model. All the scored model responses are added to the transaction to produce an overall transaction score. The transaction must reach the Goal Score to be Accepted/Processed. Every transaction starts at the Foundation Score. Often the Goal and Foundation is the same so that neutral responses will allow a transaction to process. This information is stored in the notes field. They should not be parsed directly, you should rely on the Status/Message and the Extended Severity Status. We may change the notes without notice.

Example Notes ( this is not exhaustive and we may add features or notes in the future )



PrevPay: 7 Funded +49

Our Previous Payments Database has seen this account and routing number combination 7 times previously and they have produced funded transaction. We are scoring this positively.

PrevPay: 4 Invalid -100

Our Previous Payments Database has seen this account and routing number combination 4 times previously and they have returned for an Invalid type of return ( R02,R03,R03 ). We are scoring this negatively.

PrevPay: 2 Invalid -100, 2 Closed Account +0

Our Previous Payments Database has seen this account and routing number combination 4 times previously and they have returned for an Invalid type of return ( R02,R03,R03 ). We are scoring this negatively.
This item also has 2 previously closed account returns.

PrevPay: nil +0

The Previous Payments database has not seen this exactly account and routing number combination before.

PrevPay+PM R: Match Return -10

Previous Payments Pattern Matching verification has matched the transaction details to negative outcome previous transactions. This is a predictive measure, this is matching a pattern.

PrevPay+PM F: Match Funding +10

Previous Payments Pattern Matching verification has matched the transaction details to positive outcome previous transactions. This is a predictive measure, this is matching a pattern.

MicroBilt Verbose Accepted. RiskLevel: L. Message: .: Microbilt Verbose Accepted Transaction +11

We have verified the transaction information with MicroBilt, this transaction has been rated as a low risk of return. It is positively scored.

MicroBilt Verbose Declined. RiskLevel: H. Message: NEG..1.0/10.78.: Microbilt Verbose Declined Transaction -25

We have verified this transaction information with MicroBilt, there is negative information associated with the transaction and it has a high risk of return. This is negatively scored.

Threshold exceeded: Single Transaction Amount Max

The merchant or Consumer thresholds are exceeded. The High Dollar Ticket amount is exceeded.

Threshold exceeded: Transactions Daily Max

The merchant or Consumer thresholds are exceeded. The maximum number of transactions per day is exceeded.

Threshold exceeded: Dollars Daily Max

The merchant or Consumer thresholds are exceeded. The maximum amount per day is exceeded.

Customer: Information submitted failed customer authentication. -24

For Giact the submitted consumer information has negative information. This is scored negatively.

Account: Account Verified +25

For Giact the account information has positive related information. This is scored positively.

Customer: No Information +0

For Giact the consumer has no information. This is scored neutrally.

Customer: Customer authentication passed. +20

For Giact the consumer has positive information. This is score positively.

LexisNexis No check, insufficent data: : Authentication Pass - All entries left blank and not checked +0

For Lexis Nexis there was not enough information passed in to check the identity of the consumer. This is neutrally scored.

LexisNexis Invalid Address: : Address does not match -25

For Lexis Nexis, the address does not match the recorded consumer information on file at Lexis Nexis. This is scored negatively.

LexisNexis Phone Ok: : Phone match found +25

For Lexis Nexis, the Phone information provided does match information on file at Lexis Nexis. This is scored positively.

LexisNexis Address OK: : Address match found +25

For Lexis Nexis the provided address does match information on file at Lexis Nexis. This is scored positively.