Reporting Fields Glossary
This is a general reporting field glossary. Many reports will have a column named “Eff_Date” or “EED”, but they will all have the same meaning. You can look these up below.
General Fields
This will not have the type or length, these are often dependent on the report itself and how it presents.
Name | Alternative Name | Description | Example |
TransactionLogId | Id, TransactionId, WebId | The ID of the Transaction. | 1502354420 |
Id | PK | The Id of the object you are interested in. For example, if this is a warehouse report, it would be the Warehouse Id | |
DisbursementPK | PK | The Primary Key of the Disbursement Record | |
RemittancePK | PK | The Primary Key of the Remittance Record | |
RefNo | TheirReferenceNumber ReferenceNumber | The Reference Number The Id that is passed to us from the external gateway, often an identifier from another system. | 3815466017 |
IdentNum | IdentificationNumber | The Individual Identification Number used in the ACH file. This is usually derived from the ReferenceNumber for consumer facing transactions. | |
ExternalId | Ext_Id | An Id from a system that feeds our backend processing system. It’s often our Web Id. ExternalSource describes the feeding system. | |
ExternalSource | Ext_Source | The External Feeding Source of data to the backend processing system | |
ApprovalCode | The Approval Code, this is usually blank. |
| |
DateProcessed | The date and time in Arizona time that we accepted the transaction |
| |
EED | Eff_Date, EffectiveEntryDate | The Effective Entry Date is the date on which this transaction is shown affecting the bank account | |
Name | EntryName | Name of the Consumer, this can be context driven. If this is a Disbursement report, then it would be the name on the outbound transaction, which would be the name of the merchant. |
CompanyName | MerchantName | This is the name of the company that is initiating the payment | |
PhoneNumber | US Phone number. This is validated |
| |
IndividualID |
| |
Amount | EntryAmount | Amount of the transaction | 10000.00 |
Resubmitted | For the original item, the resubmitted will increment for each time it is resubmitted | 1 | |
ResubmittedReferenceNumber | The Check Commerce Transaction Id of the original item | 1502282501 | |
Settlemented | The Date the item was remitted on. This is one business banking day before the DateSettled | ||
DateSettled | FundingDate | The last funded date | 10/7/2021 12:00:00 AM |
BankRoutingNumber | RoutingNo | The Routing Number for the receiving side of the transaction This will not be 0 padded | 63000047 |
CheckNumber |
| |
Credit | When in a remittance context, this is the amount that is being given to the merchant | ||
Debit | When in a remittance context, this is the amount that is being taken from the merchant | ||
Collected | When in a remittance context, this is the amount that was successfully collected from the consumer | ||
AmountDisbursed | Disbursed | The amount that was disbursed to the merchant last. This may be negative if there was a return. |
Status1 | The status of the transaction in numeric form. |
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Note | Notes on a Transaction. This can include items passed into initial transaction, cancellation notes, and updates from our system as the item passes through processes. |
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Address1 |
| |
Address2 |
| |
city |
| |
state | Validated to US, Canada and US Territories. 2 characters only |
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zip |
| |
CustomerEMail |
| |
BirthDate |
| |
DLNIssueState | Validated to US, Canada and US Territories. 2 characters only |
| |
NOCDisbursed |
| |
NOCInfoData | The Notice of Change information returned from the RDFI |
| |
NOCDate | Date component only. The Date of the last received Notice of Change |
| |
IsLive |
| |
DateLastUpdated | Date and Time of the last update or touch to the transaction. This may be updated even when the data of the transaction does not change. This affects when a transaction will appear in an incremental report pull |
| |
BankAccountNoMasked | AccountNo | The Masked version of the submitted bank account | xxxx1234 ****1234 |
OriginateDate | The Date that a transaction is intended to originate. IE, the date must be past for this to be sent |
| |
Refunds | Number of Refunds for this transaction |
| |
RefundedID | Transaction Log Id of the refunded item |
| |
SECCode | The Authorization type used for the Entry Class in the outbound ACH file. This may be blank to indicate the default for the merchant was used. This is what was submitted. There is a SECCode2, that is what the item was built with. | WEB | |
Descriptor | The descriptor used for the outbound ACH batch, if the merchant is allowed to submit this information | Payment | |
InitialWarehouseId | In the case that the transaction started as a Warehouse entry with no initial transaction, this will be filled in. This happens when an item is created for Recycles. |
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BatchUploadID | If the item was batch uploaded, this is the batch upload Id. |
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AuthID | If the transaction was pre-authorized this will be filled in |
| |
MerchantNumber | MID, CoNo, Company | The 6 or 10 digit merchant number | 123456 |
CustRefId | A free text field used by the submitter of the transaction |
| |
Description | The Status Description of the Transaction | Processed | |
WarehouseId | The Warehouse entry Id, if present |
| |
BuildStatus | Description of if the item was built
| Built | |
ReturnStatus | Description of the return status
| Returned | |
TransCode | Trans_Code | The built Transaction Code
| 27 |
Trace_Number_8 | The Trace Number in the ACH File |
| |
Trace_Number_7 | The Trace Number in the ACH File |
| |
Trace15 | The Trace8 and the Trace7 combined makes up the Trace15 | ||
SECCode2 | The Authorization type used for the Entry Class in the outbound ACH file. This is what was actually in the outbound file. |
| |
EntryDescription | Entry Description used in the outbound file | ABC | |
ReturnDate | Date component only of the date the entry was returned |
| |
ReturnCode | The Return Code, if the entry is returned. | R10 | |
ReturnDescription | The full description of the return | Improper Effective Entry Date | |
ReturnId | The internal return Id, a zero indicates that the item is not returned | ||
MerchantChainCode | ChainCode | The Chain Code, if specified on the merchant or parent | A02021 |
ParentChainCode | The chain code for the parent, if present | ||
GlobalMID | An external system defined MID stored on the merchant and available for reporting | ||
TaileredFieldCGID | A Tailered Field is a custom field of data that we can store on the merchant during onboarding. These are typically fields that contain an external identifier. For instance a MID in a non-CheckCommerce system, or a sales channel in an external system. |
| |
TaileredFieldMID | A Tailered Field is a custom field of data that we can store on the merchant during onboarding. These are typically fields that contain an external identifier. For instance a MID in a non-CheckCommerce system, or a sales channel in an external system. |
| |
TaileredFieldREP | A Tailered Field is a custom field of data that we can store on the merchant during onboarding. These are typically fields that contain an external identifier. For instance a MID in a non-CheckCommerce system, or a sales channel in an external system. |
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TaileredFieldSTW | A Tailered Field is a custom field of data that we can store on the merchant during onboarding. These are typically fields that contain an external identifier. For instance a MID in a non-CheckCommerce system, or a sales channel in an external system. |
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MerchantName | The name of the merchant |
| |
BatchStatus | This is a computed status describing if the transaction was in a batch and sent to the FED. | ||
OriginationStatus | This is the Warehouse Origination Status. A 0 is good, any other value indicates some validation error. | ||
OriginationDescription | The Origination Status description | ||
ParentMID | A Company Number for the Parent of this Merchant | ||
OrigCount | Origination Count | ||
RetCount | Return Count |