Saving Your Completed File


You will need to save your file as a CSV (Comma Separated Values) file to upload it to your merchant account.


Go to File > Save As (in Excel 2003) or Office Button > Save As (in Excel 2007/10)


Using the File type combo box, select “CSV (Comma delimited) (*.csv).  The File name does not matter in terms of uploading the file to our website. Any naming scheme will work.  Make sure you save it to some place easily accessible


Click Save once you’re done there. You may also be prompted with a message notifying you that there are features not compatible with the CSV format.  This is referring to multiple work sheets, certain formatting settings, etc.  You should click “Yes” if this message appears.


Close Excel. Excel will ask you if you want to save the changes made.  You can click “No” on this box, otherwise, when you save the file, you can save it as an Excel file if you want.