Authorize Status
Check the status of an authorization, one of the two parameters TransactionID and ReferenceNumber must be provided to identify the transaction to be queried. The status of the specified transaction will be returned in the Message field as well as the AuthStatus field of the response.
URL | XML Endpoint |
/EPNAPI/ACH.aspx | CGI |
Pages of Note
Transaction Errors and Severity Levels
Endpoint Details
Parameter Name | Type | Max. Chars. | Basic Requirements | Notes |
Method | String | 20 | Required | "Status". This parameter is not submitted to WebService interfaces because it is implied by the WebService method being called. |
Version | String | 15 | Required | Version of the API with which you integrated. Should be at least "1.4.2". |
ResponseXML | Boolean | 5 | Optional | "True" for an XML response. "False" (default) for a simple text response. The "ResponseXML" parameter is not submitted to XML interfaces because they always return an XML response. |
Login | String | 16 | Required | Normally this is the merchant's 6-digit Company Number. |
Password | String | 16 | Required |
TransactionID | Int64 | 20 | Depends | 1Number assigned by Check Commerce to the Authorization which is to be queried. |
ReferenceNumber | String | 40 | Depends | 1Identifier assigned by Merchant to the transaction which is to be queried. |
Method=AuthStatus Version= Success=True Severity=0 Message=Accepted TransactionID=1502940335 Status=Authentication ApprovalCode= Note=PrevPay: nil +0 Note=Score: 100/100 Score=nil
<?xml version="1.0"?> <ACH> <Method>AuthStatus</Method> <Version></Version> <Login>999997</Login> <Password>demoacct</Password> <TransactionID>1502940335</TransactionID> </ACH>
<?xml version="1.0"?> <Response Method="AuthStatus" Version="" Success="True" Severity="0" TransactionID="1502940335" Status="Authentication" ApprovalCode=""> <Message>Accepted</Message> <Notes> <Note>PrevPay: nil +0</Note> <Note>Score: 100/100</Note> </Notes> <Scores> <Score>nil</Score> </Scores> </Response>